Working from the inside, working from the outside.

I have tended to place myself outside of the client's system, although I experienced that from the moment I showed up I was part of it. And I have experienced how the value I added diminished as I became "part of the inventory".

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The fallacy of Change Management

Three principles to follow as a Change Agent: 1- People change when they want to. Period. 2- A different future is possible ... here and now! 3- The only way to create trust is to trust.

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Feeding the goats?

A goat scavenging among the garbage outside a site of a company I worked for a decade ago. Now I am at the same point of choice as then.

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The price of respectability

"As a discipline gains respectability it loses capacity to make a difference that makes a difference" wrote #PaulGoodman in the 60's.

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Obedience and Conformity

As long as I can remember, I have perceived and described myself as resisting #conformity and #obedience, seeing both as signs of absence of own criteria and avoidance of personal responsibility.

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A labyrinth of trainings

Some discernment needs to be done here. This is full of paradoxes and dilemmas. Like the one depicted in this picture of a sign showing the way to a labyrinth.

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Up to the mountain, down to the valley

A thought inspired by the new assignment to co-design a new training for #ChangeAgents or #ChangePractitioners that combines #systems, #gestaltand #psychosynthesis approaches that I wrote about...

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Task Based Change Process

Too often change efforts in organisations are conceived as operations: management uses people and the organization to move tasks.

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Truth is...

Truth will set you free – la verdad os hará libres – was written in Spanish over the arch opening the stairs I climbed every day during 11 years, from age 6 until age 16, to go to class.

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Artefact to detect strategic options

This week I will be part of a meeting about the next phase in the development of the trainings offered by #GA #GestaltAkademin in Scandinavia, a training institute that is very dear to me.

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Who am I proud of?

Who am I proud of? What has this person become? What has she gone through to get there? What would it take for me to move in the same direction?

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Responsibility to experiment in uncertainty

Too many of us, self proclaimed professionals of change, promote our services with a certainty that becomes a fallacy when we dare to look at the tipping point all the signs indicate is approaching...

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Silence bring clarity in Complexity

In the mid 90’s I called my business «Managing Complexity». I wasn’t able to explain what this meant in a way that my market understood. In part because I didn’t know enough and in part because the awareness of complexity was not widespread enough.

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