Working integrated with SDGs and IDGs in businesses and organizations

I am preparing a workshop where I will share my experience working at the same time with the #SDGs and #IDGs in companies and organizations.

SDGs: Sustainable Development Goals
IDGs: Inner Development Goals

I am aware of the limitations of both frameworks, and the flawed premises from which they have emerged, but I have nevertheless found that working with both of them at the same time mitigates the consequences of their limitations and surprisingly enhances their virtues.

In the workshop I am preparing I will focus mainly on the interconnections between SDG17 and IDG4.

SDG17: Building Partnerships
IDG4: Relating: caring for others and the world

I will share later more of my experience and thoughts, but today I want to connect with people working integrating both in organisational settings.

#sustainabledevelopment #innerdevelopment #experience