The Portfolio

Below, short descriptions of some of the assignments I have worked with during the years ...

2011-2016 Stockholm Resilience Centre/Albaeco/

  • Participatory research that led to the design of the training: “Leadership for creative multidisciplinary research teams”.
  • I led this training on three occasions.
  • Design of Multistakeholder workshop on “Marine Spatial Planning”.
  • Design of a Multistakeholder workshop “Integrating Social-Ecological Resilience into the new development agenda”. One of the workshops that contributed to the formulation of the Global Sustainability Development Goals.
  • GAIT workshops for Albaeco’s external collaborators aiming towards the emergence of a robust network of Transformation Agents that support each other in their work for social ecological resilience in their respective fields of action.

IKEA 2016-2022

Training of internal Change Agents in:

  • Leading Change
  • Personal motivation
  • Promoting change in complex environments.
  • Networked Organizations
Facilitation of Communities of Practice for middle management.
Design and facilitation of a prototype of Participatory Process leading to a new way of reporting Sustainability

2014-2022 GAIT: “Guild of Agents for Intentional Transformation"

GAIT is my initiative to, wherever I go, advocate the need of robust networks of Transformation Agents that support each other to promote the change they want to see in the organizations where they work, the territories where they live, the communities to which they belong or the networks they connect to.

This I do mostly through workshops where I teach how to increase the impact of the Transformation Agent’s interventions at the same time that they diminish the pain they cause others and themselves. Also through Communities of Practice.

2013-2016 La Garrotxa county. Olot Municipality. Catalonia. Spain.

Support the emergence of a multistakeholder network of Transformation Agents to promote a sustainable development of the county.

  • Support the emergence of multiple partnerships between stakeholders from the same sector or across sectors.
  • Design and facilitation several multi-stakeholder workshops and meetings.
  • Promote the understanding of the GAIT approach to “Strategic Transformation in Complex Systems”.

2009-2010 The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

Design and facilitation of several large-scale meetings with multiple stakeholders from all the countries around the Baltic sea on the following issues:

  • Green procurement
  • Common Strategy for the Baltic. Priority issue 3: “Dangerous substances”